Ellacarte is a small business run by Ella Noble, who runs Ellacarte from her home workshop in the beautiful countryside of Dumfries, Scotland, where she designs and produces stunning hand-crafted, functional earthernware pieces, greetings cards and other items characteristically incorporating a ceramic motift. She also produces ceramic pieces to commission.
Ella is a graduate of Dundee College of Art and has had experience of throwing in Northern Scotland and Belgium and of production throwing in Ireland. Her work has been exhibited in the Roger Billcliffe Gallery, Glasgow, the Strathearn Gallery, Crieff, Perthshire and is sold through galleries and gift-shops throughout the UK.
You can follow Ella on Facebook and Instagram.
If you don't see something on these pages that suits your needs or you would like to order something special, contact Ella to discuss your requirements. She’ll be pleased to provide the ceramic piece or the card that you are looking for.